Health in Mind is the free NHS Talking Therapies service for people experiencing emotional stress and symptoms of anxiety or low mood. We’re here for all East Sussex residents over 18.
We offer a wide range of support to make seeking help as convenient, quick and straight forward as possible. From courses & online programmes to a wide range of 1 to 1 therapies, we can be your guide to better mental health.
Don’t put it off.
We all have mental health, just as we all have physical health and struggling from time to time is common and perfectly normal. Physical health problems are often easy to spot, but with mental health it is different.
It can be hard to know whether the things you’re struggling with will pass, or whether it’s best to ask for help. People often wait until things get much worse before asking us for help, and we want that to change.
Taking early action to improve your emotional health prevents symptoms worsening and means quicker access to treatment. Our advice is to not wait. Get in touch with us today. Our team are ready to help you make positive changes.
What to look for
At milder levels symptoms can be hard to spot. A referral to our service could make a huge difference:
- If you find it hard to stop worrying.
- If you feel nervous, on edge or more irritable.
- If you’ve been feeling down or hopeless.
- If you’ve lost interest or pleasure in doing things.
We also help people with some long-term physical health conditions, as well as those with problems sleeping as both can have a significant impact on how you feel. If you’re not sure if you need help, you can take an anonymous quiz on our website to check.
What people tell us
“I feel in a much better place and more able to deal with life’s ups and downs”
“You have given me back my life”
“The best thing I have done for myself”
“I was nervous, but I needn’t have been”
How to refer
There’s no need to see a GP to make a referral. You can self-refer or be supported to self-refer direct through our website. Please call us if you have any difficulties making a referral, we’re happy to help.
Although we offer a wide range of support options, you don’t need to know what option might be best. Our trained professionals will work with you to identify and agree what’s going to be best for your situation.
Many people find that just having an initial conversation with one of our team can be extremely helpful. Asking for help can feel like a big decision, but it could be the best decision you make.
Visit us at or call us on 0300 00 30 130
Follow us:
Twitter @HiMEastSussex
Facebook @NHSHealthinMindEastSussex